How is this app UNIQUE? What is so special about it, that cannot be found anywhere else?
Your prospects will pay more attention to a best-selling business author about an opportunity than to someone trying to recruit them. It’s one thing to use a company tool/video that was created by the company… but true third party credibility is achieved when the tool/video has no ties to the company looking to gain by recruiting them.
The Making My First Ten Million digital book will open the door of receptivity in the mind of each of your prospects. Then you show them your opportunity. For those who still need more understanding why they need to get started in the business, you will have several powerful videos you can send their way that convinces them WHY network marketing is such a smart idea.

Shareable Recruiting Assets
There are three other powerful videos designed to stir interest in your prospects.

“Why Become an Entrepreneur”

“Power of a Part-Time Business”

“Tax Advantages of a Home-Based Business”
These impactful videos can be used in the initial approach, or as a follow up method to help sell your prospects on WHY they NEED to start a business like yours.
Most people are at a loss when their prospect sees a presentation but doesn’t sign up. What to do next???
Now … send them one of these videos then make the follow up call to discuss!

Automatic Recruiting Email Campaign
Put your prospects into a campaign after you have sent them the Making My First Ten Million digital book. They will then get a series of personalized follow-up emails about the book, including the three powerful videos above to keep teaching them why they really need to get with you about starting a business. The power behind email campaigns is they prime your prospects when you are not even in communication with them, so that when you reach them they are far more excited to engage with you.
Network Marketing is a business that can help your prospects
1) MAKE money and 2) SAVE smoney
Introducing the Tax Savings Estimator

Imagine pulling out the app, letting your prospect type in the answers, and their face lighting up when they see how much money could be staying in their pocket! Imagine sending someone a link to do this same thing remotely, and you getting notified when they complete it!
Whether you already have a home-based business, or you are thinking of starting one, our Tax Savings Estimator will give you a good idea of how much you may save on taxes each year. Plug in the numbers on several pre-configured categories, and you'll be able to estimate your monthly and annual tax savings. You can pull out your phone and let your prospect key in their numbers and see with their own eyes how much starting a business will save them in taxes! Or you can email this link out and let them do it remotely. What a huge closing tool!!
Social Media Prospecting

Shareable Assets for your team
All of this for only $19.95 a month!
Excited to get the app and start using it? Look what else…

Included with the Empire Builder Pro app! You can use this revolutionary program to more easily track the dollars you spend so that you maximize your business expenses to write off. Take a picture of a receipt or automatically track your mileage using the GPS feature on your smartphone. This will automate the process, eliminate tax-time stress, and take the guesswork out of the tax equation. You can SEE your tax savings in real time! This retails for $199/year, but we have licensed it to include it with the Empire Builder Pro app!
EBPro will be a platform you will use daily to help turbocharge your prospecting, your recruiting, and your personal development towards becoming a top earner in your network marketing business. You will now have Brian Carruthers as your Foster Mentor with you in the palm of your hand every day on your journey!!

Watch Brian Carruthers' webinar as he walks through the EB Pro app
Once you've chosen a paid plan, download the app from one of these two stores, depending on your device.
Please note that the app will not work unless you've chosen a paid plan. Once you've done so, your login credentials will be emailed to you.